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When "Is this it?" Becomes a Catalyst for 'MORE'

In the summer of 2016, I found myself asking a question that many of us face at some point: “Is this it?” Despite a happy marriage, two beautiful kids, good health, and a fulfilling life outside of work, I felt like something was missing. My career as a Project Manager, once promising, no longer brought the satisfaction I craved. As my maternity leave neared its end, the thought of returning to the daily grind felt unbearable.

Sitting on a balcony with my husband at a beach condo, those nagging thoughts intensified: Is this how life will be for the next 30+ years? What about leaving a legacy and making an impact? These questions grew louder, despite my efforts to stay busy and ignore them.

My mornings became more chaotic, and I often found myself crying on the way to work. My husband and I argued frequently because he didn’t understand what I was going through. I felt guilty for wanting something different and stopped talking about my feelings, which made me feel even more isolated.

I began journaling and seeking answers from God, questioning why I couldn’t just be content with my life. Through this process, I realized that perhaps my life wasn’t meant to follow the path I had set. What if I could do something I truly loved?

Gradually, I accepted my desire for more and stopped judging myself for it. In February 2017, despite my husband’s objections, I handed in my two weeks’ notice. Although the transition wasn’t graceful, six months after asking “Is this all there is to life?” I decided to follow the calling for more. No corporate career, no more living a life others expected of me.

Fast forward to 2024, and I can say that decision was one of the best decisions of my life. But more on that in a bit!

Is this your story too?

You’re staring at your computer screen 🖥️ at work, feeling a nagging lack of motivation. You can’t ignore that feeling of lack of fulfillment, of wanting more from life – despite the much anticipated upcoming promotion. 💥 On the outside, you “have it all” – the beautiful family, the perfect career… you feel a tight knot of guilt in your stomach because you “should” be grateful. So why can’t you be anymore?

You’re sitting on the couch in a rare quiet moment after having finished your workday, cleaned the kitchen, and put your kids to bed. 💪 That desire for an elusive more washes over you. Maybe it’s just that glass of wine you poured? But this isn’t the first time it hits you. 💣 Your partner’s lack of support makes you feel despair, like there’s something wrong with you, like you’re alone in the world. Your friends and colleagues all seem so happy. Are you about to lose it?


You’re closing the self-help book 📘 you’ve been reading on finding purpose, feeling more confused than ever. You can’t seem to shake that feeling of being meant for something extraordinary, of wanting more out of life than “just” your corporate career with all it entails: living for the weekends and having the Sunday blues. But what’s that more? 💭 The book didn’t give you the answer you hoped for, nor do your constant ruminations. 

You follow people doing their own thing on Instagram. 📲 They seem to have the perfect life and be far ahead of you. It seems so… easy to them, while it seems light years away for you. ⭐ What if you would try and fail? What if people would laugh at you behind your back, or pity you for being “lost”?

You sit in the car after dropping your kids to school, feeling a pang of fear about your future.🚗 You’ve always been playing it safe. But now, the thought of an unfulfilling life for decades to come feels unsafe. 🔔 You feel trapped between your current life and a vague future. Will doing your “own thing”, whatever that means, ever compensate for the financial impact of quitting your job? What if you regret your decision and put your family at risk? 💹 You wish you could talk to someone who gets you, but none of your friends or family members seem to understand what you’re experiencing.

Imagine with me for a moment…

What if this could be your reality instead?

You’re at your computer screen, bursting with anticipation and pride as you click “send” on your first email newsletter. 🎉 After taking the leap and launching your business, you feel a newfound sense of joy and meaning. Your first few clients have gotten remarkable results, and the gratitude in their eyes and messages means the world to you. 💗 You feel grateful and happy to share your genuine excitement and success with your family, who compliment you on the spark in your eyes.

You’re sitting on the couch in a rare quiet moment, feeling content and satisfied after your last investment call. 👊 You’ve found your path, all while realizing it’s ever-unfolding. You’re not afraid anymore – you trust yourself to follow that nudge for more. Your partner, seeing your happiness, has become your biggest cheerleader, and your friends and colleagues admire your courage. 📣 Best of all? People tell you that you inspire them to follow their dreams, too!

You’re putting away the self-help book on finding your purpose 📕, grateful for the wisdomand even more for not needing it anymore. You’ve discovered that 'more' and wake up feeling a level of excitement for life you haven’t felt since childhood. Gone are the days ✌️ when you lived for the weekends – each day is full of meaning and fulfillment.

When you scroll through Instagram, you no longer feel triggeredbut inspired. 📱 You belong with the people you once looked up to as unattainable. If you could say one thing to your past self, it would be: "just do it, it will be worth it!" The supportive community you’ve found has made you less afraid of judgment. 👏

You sit in the car after having dropped off your kids, and you feel a sense of peace and excitement about your future. 🚀 Your new business gives you immense satisfaction, even though you’re still learning the ropes. You realize failure is the way forward and that no one is perfect – not even the people you looked up to. 🎤 You no longer feel financial fear since being around like-minded people has convinced you that if they can, so can you! Your newfound friends on a similar path make you feel less isolated and like you’re capable of anything

What you'll gain:


Validating your nudges​

  • Understand and confirm your deep inner sense that you are meant for something greater and a more fulfilling life

  • Validate your desires and recognize the significance of your dreams

  • Build confidence in your ability to pursue your goals if you know them, or gain clarity on your goals.


Understanding your emotions

  • Gain clarity on what your feelings of being called to more mean and why these emotions arise

  • Uncover the underlying reasons behind feelings of isolation, doubt, or guilt about wanting more, so that you can become your own best friend when they hit


Gaining crystal-clear clarity

  • Discover the choices and options available to you

  • Feel empowered in moving forward in a supportive and aligned direction

  • Make choices aligned with your true, heartfelt desires


Stepping into your freedom

  • Shift perspective to embrace your desires for more as positive drivers

  • Cultivate self-worth and readiness to take purposeful action towards your dreams

I want you to walk out of this masterclass knowing that there is a reason you’re feeling everything you’re feeling right now. And that reason is not that you’re crazy! 😀 I want you to feel empowered by your inner nudges and leave here confident in the journey ahead, eager to see what’s next.


And I want to guide you around any unnecessary mess and confusion. This season you’re in can be as fun and exciting as an African safari or sailing in the Caribbean. Not that I’ve done either of those things, ha! What I have experienced is more clarity, ownership, empowerment, and inner knowing because of this work. My intention is for you to leave the masterclass feeling those very same things.

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Made for More is the masterclass I wish I’d had when I felt the call but struggled to make sense of it. It would have eased my feelings of guilt and loneliness, and it would have spared me many lonely tears!


Made for More is more than just a program. It's a lifeline for those feeling stuck, misunderstood, or hesitant about their ambitions. It’s a tool to empower you to accept yourself for your ambition and even be proud of it! 


Lastly, my intention is that this masterclass will act as the supportive friend you may yearn for right now. Since you’re here reading this, I know one thing for sure: you were Made for More



Zach White

“Go hire Charlsey because you need a Self Worth and Confidence Coach like her to support you on this journey. You can’t do it alone. We won’t see it no matter how hard we look. So go hire Charlsey if you want help doing this kind of inner work because she can help you get there faster, like she’s done for me. It’s worth every minute, every penny to get that support.


Aida K.

“I’ve never met anyone like you! I am blown away by your spirit and am glad you own who you are because you bring great value into the world! Thank you for helping me do the same.”


Beverly Colvard

"Hey Charlsey, I've been reading your Made for More posts. I've decided to become a Spiritual Life Coach and get my ACC ICF. I'm not doing it for money, just to align to my higher purpose. Thank you for inspiring me."


Chantelle Lamour

"Because of Charlsey's tools, I've learned how to show up for myself, my family, and my passions as my most true self. I never realized how deep-rooted the lies were and how it was impacting my success. It feels so good to be free from them!"

Meet Your Teacher

Hi my fellow go-getters and change-makers!


I’ve already shared how I quit my job and decided to go all-in on my dreams (if you missed it, feel free to scroll up to read my background story!).

I can’t believe it’s already eight years ago! 


It was one of the best decisions in my life, and here’s why:


Following the ‘more’ I felt called to has become my guiding light and has led me to a life of more: more fulfillment, satisfaction, creativity, inspiration, alignment, authenticity, and purpose. I’ve gone from shying away from that ‘more’ to constantly seeking it from a place of “what else am I meant to do? How wonderful and impactful can it get?”

The difference is that I accept and embrace this about myself rather than shying away from it.

I want nothing but for you to experience this, too! 


This journey has changed every aspect of my life for the better. I have:


  • Built a thriving and deeply fulfilling career

  • Found my people – supportive, like-minded people (I promise yours are out there waiting for you!)

  • Cultivated a life that feels true to who I am at my core

  • Come closer to my family and loved ones since I no longer need to hide who I am


With each step along the way, I’ve felt more empowered, confident, and aligned with my purpose.


It is from this lived experience that I created Made for More. 


I’ve developed a deep understanding of the challenges and internal conflicts that come with having big dreams and desires. I've had the immense privilege of supporting hundreds of big dreamers, high achievers, and visionaries like yourself in feeling more certain in who they are and in the legacy they’re here to leave. 


Because, my go-getter:


  • You’re not guilty, selfish, or even crazy for wanting more.

  • You don’t have to apologize for your ambitions.

  • Your fear of playing big because of judgment or rejection is normal, and you can learn to take action anyhow!


Made for More is your solution for gaining validation, clarity, support, and reassurance. My intention is for it to be the ignition that sparks your path to living the incredible life you desire.


Recap & Price Point

Made for More is a unique experience where I seamlessly blend cognitive psychology and emotional intelligence. This provides you with invaluable insights that will empower you to embark on a transformative journey.

Here's what you can expect to receive:

The four-part masterclass Made for More:

  • Part 1: A deep dive where we’ll dissect my journey as were we in 6th-grade science class. Expect to uncover valuable insights and gain wisdom from my experiences, so you can find your path to fulfillment and purpose faster and avoid repeating my mistakes.


  • Part 2: How to decode your feelings like a master detective, so you can be excited and elated about them and get to know yourself better than ever.


  • Part 3: How to transform your feelings from barriers holding you back into catalysts that propel you forward, so you can find flow no matter how you feel.


  • Part 4: The 1 secret that will help you face the challenges that come with having big dreams and desires, so you can stay on track and achieve the life you want

Lifetime access so you can refer back to the masterclass anytime you need a dose of motivation

Motivation, inspiration, and reassurance from me as your virtual cheerleader

Access to the exclusive Made for More Facebook community with like-minded go-getters actively pursuing their 'more'

1 Q&A where you can ask clarifying questions and get them answered by me live inside the Facebook community

Bonus: Over 15 powerful journaling prompts I usually only share with my private coaching clients specifically designed to help you alchemize feelings of guilt, stuckness, and shame into unapologetically embracing your ‘more.’

Onnie Caldwell

“Charlsey has really helped her through my thoughts and in knowing how I want to feel going forward. She has really helped me to think those things through. I’ve been thinking about these things but just needed that extra clarity. Charlsey has been such a blessing! I feel confident in being able to step into how I want to run my business.”
    Whether you are new to personal development or have been committed to becoming the best you can be, this program contains the blueprint for becoming the person you want to be. The tools and knowledge in this program are not just for "beginners." These are tools you can use for yourself, your family, and for years to come. If you resonate with all that you've read so far, you are ready to become unstoppable! Don't take my word for it though; listen to what your intuition is saying. If you feel a stirring inside or an excitement to pursue your dream feeling more confident, worthy, and secure, that is likely you're sign! You're smart; you intuitively know if this the next move you're called to make for yourself and for your dreams.
    Great question! And it's one of the things that makes Unstoppable is so special. The length of the program is up to YOU! You can choose your flow that best works with your schedule and your areas of focus. I recommend spending at least 10 minutes a day reading and digesting the content in the lesson you're currently on. Then intentionally practice the material throughout your day. Becoming unstoppable is a lifestyle; it isn't a goal you check off and move on from. Think of this program like your "Confidence Bible." Just like reading the Bible, the more you are "in" it, the more you get out of it. There are so many ways you can go about digesting, integrating, and embodying the material! It is up to you. You can go through each lesson one at a time and then repeat the lessons that stuck out to you the most or all of them; you can stay on one lesson until you feel like you have really absorbed the principles of that lesson; you can break down each lesson into even smaller lessons. The possibilities are up to you! I know you, you desire to be the best and have a drive for 100% success with everything you do! Success, in this program, is determined by how much you integrate and embody the material! That is how you will become internally unstoppable!
    I know you are super busy and achieve more in a day than most people do in a week. Your time is valuable! YOU are valuable! I also know that mastery is your middle name. :) You love to put your best energy in everything you do, which is an amazing quality. With that said, you are, ultimately, free to focus on this program as much as you feel called to. To get the most out of this program, I recommend spending 10-15 minutes each day reading the lessons, absorbing the concepts, implementing the exercises, and engaging in the community. Then, be intentional practicing the exercises and making the lessons come alive in your own life throughout the day. You will feel a difference with this type of intention and consistency!
    Congratulations on taking this courageous step and investing in your self! Your dreams will thank you! And I look forward to being your guide on your journey to achieving the vision you have for yourself! Now that you are officially part of the [Becoming Unstoppable] community (yay!), you will receive an email from me with your next steps (as long as technology does what I want. ha!). If you do not receive an email from me within the next 15 minutes, please email me at or DM me on Instagram ( You can also reach out to me at any point if you encounter technical difficulties. I am here for you every step of the way and my purpose is to ensure you have the best experience possible! That is my #1 priority.
    That's great! I do not want you to invest in something if you do not feel totally confident in your decision. Please email me at with any questions you have, and I'm happy to help you discover if this program is a good fit for you or not.

Since you've made it all the way here

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Remember: That persistent nudge in your heart for more is not a sign of discontent but a testament to the extraordinary potential within you. Your dreams, no matter how big, hold the key to unlocking the incredible.

If you know you are made for more, then I invite you to start turning those desires into reality. Joining this Masterclass is your pivotal first step.

Even if we haven’t met (yet), I see you, I believe in you, and I know you’re Made for More.


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